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Bra fitting help » Gaping at armpit post strap narrowing alteration (sewing help?)

Ewa Michalak » Sf Promyczek » 70G 32:9

Issue resolved

Moved the elastic strap at the armpit into a rounder shape, tried to add darts; going to redo those and see if the fit is better. :)

Original problem

My fit: soft tissue, FOB, narrow roots, splayed I think?
Fit: Ewa Michalak straps are too wide set for my narrow shoulders, so I just automatically assume I'm going to have to alter them myself as soon as I get them. This one is no different. It feels a little stretchier/looser than the other SF style I have (Pin-Up) but that is probably the fabric and not the design.
I put an arrow where my issue is, and it might be more "seamstress" type help than bra fitting. Hopefully there is someone on here who has some experience altering bras! I think I realize what I did wrong, though, I guess I just want confirmation. Where I've re-sewn the elastic along the armpit has a big gape now, and the strap creates an odd pulling/smooshing of the breast shape along the side of the cup. Should I try to reattach the elastic in a different spot? It's only so long, so I'm limited with where I can place it. I think I need to stretch it out a lot more as I am sewing it to the fabric, creating more of a gathered effect.
Anyways, I am more annoyed at the gaping areas, but I'm wearing the bra right now anyways. It's not noticeable under shirts, but it might be more so under a tank top.

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