Bra fitting help » Freya Fancies Plunge fit or alternate size/styles to try?
Freya » Fancies Plunge Bra (1011) » 28F 28:7
Issue resolved
Returned it. Might try it again in a 30E, but I have a few other bras that seem to fit better. Will only try a 30E if it's a good price and colour.
Original problem
Band is too tight and cups cutting into tissue. Cups were a little loose until I more aggressively swoop and scooped. Will the sister size work? Cup and band up or abandon the style?
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Suggestions (6)
helpfulSo, when the band is too tight, it can be hard to know what else is going on. A too-tight band can actually stretch out the wires and flatten the cup, so its not fitting the way it should. As soon as you can, you should pick up an extender and see how it fits when its not so tight.
That said, the cup looks to be too big or too tall or too FOT for you possibly? I mean, I think the cutting in is really being caused by too-tight band pulling the cup back too hard, but you also dont seem to have enough tissue to completely fill the cup. Which is odd because your measurements look like it should be pretty close?
Updated on February 19, 2018 Flag this
I’m heading home in the morning and can try to take more pics with the extender to see the cups when the band is looser. I’m not sure which of the later pics of the aggressive swoop and scoop are with the extender on. To clarify, the pics in the bathroom are from initial try on the night I got the package from my friend. The ones taken in the hotel room mirror with the bed and night stand in them are th redo with the more aggressive swoop and scoop. But like I said, I’m not sure which, if any are with the extender other than that one back shot, because I took th pics without the extender at first and then later as an afterthought to see if that would save it.
I'm home now and took more pics with the extender. Do I add them to the existing fit pic gallery or is there a different way to share them?
no, just add them in. you can put the comments in to explain in the picture, kwim?
helpfulI can't quite tell if you need both a band and cup up or just a band up. Or these cups might be too short/closed on you (but I doubt it looking at your other fit request). I would start with a 30E and see if it's better. Certainly this is a better shape than the other bra you posted.
Updated on February 20, 2018 Flag this
Also, if you aggressively swoop and scoop does your tissue stay like that over the course of the day? It might settle, meaning a cup up would be too big. You can wear the bra for a half hour around the class and see what it looks/feels like after that.
cupandahalf I will have to get back to you on that. I'm at the airport right now and won't be home til early this evening. But I think that it stays.
After looking again with the extender on the make the band less tight, I don't think that I would need band and cup...just band. I'll share the updated pics with the extender once I learn how to do it. These are my first fit requests.
helpfulJudging from the first and the fourteenth photos, this gore is too wide, too. And, it does look like you have center fullness these wires are tethering. There is hope....a bit. The only way I can fit Freya is to narrow and overlap the gores. A few stiches may improve the fit remarkably. Here is a Freya with an alteration you may want to use:
It is difficult for me to determine how close set you are, but Wacoal La Femme, Subtle Sensuality, and Lace Affair Contour have lower, marginally narrower gores. All three should have nearly the amount of space you require at the center. And, although they don't have quite the immediate projection of this Freya (the immediate projection in this bra fits you well!), the Wacoal immediate projection may be acceptable. In general, Wacoal although made by the same corporation, has different cup designs and wire dimensions.
Good luck!
Updated on February 20, 2018 Flag this
Thank you Love4Pollinators. I'm about to board the plane but will look at the pics more closely later. I didn't think that the gore was that wide. As for altering, I have zero sewing skills. But this does have good immediate projection.
For all too long, I didn't notice the too wide gores either. If it is narrow enough, consider yourself very fortunate :-) You will have a world of options that are not available to the more close set among us. Great news!
I looked at the gores of my Ellace and So Free and the Fancies does not seem significantly wider to me. So I think that I am ok with that gore.
helpfulI've included pictures from the initial try on, and then from today when I tried a more aggressive swoop and scoop to see if it helped to get more tissue in the cups. It sort of does and sort of doesn't. I wanted both sets of pics from the best evaluation.
Updated on February 18, 2018 Flag this
helpfulI added the pics with the extender. The ones after the back shot showing the extender say straps tightened some. They were tightened up some for the pics before that shot but I decided to try snugging them up a little more.
Updated on February 21, 2018 Flag this
I see the elastic digging in a bit on the top of the cup but I have bras that do that and it doesn't affect fit. How does it feel? How does it look under clothes?
cupandahalf I have not even tried it on under my clothes, to be honest. I think that it's definitely better than it was, so a 30E might be ok, but part of me wants to find something a bit better. I've got a few bras in mind to check out before I go back to Fancies. Unless I can find it under $20 again.
helpfulIdk, clearly not the right bra, thats easy - but the rest? I'm wondering if you have tall roots maybe - because it looks like you dont fill the top half of hte cup very well, but the top ridge of the cup still cuts in to you - so you have more fullness below the apex, but your breast tissue goes up really high? Have you tried any half cups? Something that doesnt try to cover the top at all might work better
Updated on February 22, 2018 Flag this
dbmamaz my other fit is a Freya Kiyoko half cup. I've been told my roots are tall and short and average so I don't know. I think that my soft tissue is a chameleon sometimes and my breasts take different appearances based on the bra. Feel free to check out my other bras. I've got pics of all except the Ellace up right now.
i think most of your tissues is short, but it tapers up very high. kinda like a water balloon thats not very full, being held by the knot? So it all is at the bottom but there is more balloon still up higher that you could squeeze, it just isnt full of water?
the image i'm trying to explain isnt about sagging - my boobs come almost to my belly button,b ut when supported they are pretty round, full all over, and have a pretty clear place where they end on top
But even so, I’d be functionally average or short rooted, I think. Right? Looking for something for FOT shapes is just going to gap. Looking for FOB might close in too quickly and cut in. I think I’m pooched either way. Suggested styles to look at? Features to look for?
Right - half cups is what I think works - short but open on top. but i am not really familiar with them . . . completely opposite for me
Some of the later pics I did add an extender to see if if helped any and it didn’t really, cup wise. Theoretically, this should fit FOB, amd I’m even to FOB, but plunges do seem to sometimes cut into the tissue as if I was FOT. I thought that the stretched lace top would help that. This bra should theoretically fit me, if it was the sister size, but I just don’t think it’s going to work well enough even if I size up to 30E.