Bra fitting help » i think this fits
Chantelle » Superbe Plunge Underwire Bra (2561) » 80G 36:7
Issue resolved
It fits!
Original problem
I think this is my best fitting bra so far. The wires feel good, it tacks in the middle, and it doesn't poke or prod. Only issue is a little tight in back/back fat!
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Suggestions (3)
helpfulI think it looks like a good fit -- if it's a little tight, well then put on an extender until it stretches out.
However, you are wearing the band too high in back. it will support you better if you get used to wearing it lower in back. You will probably have to loosen the straps a bit.Updated on October 19, 2014 Flag this
helpfulI'm not convinced that back fat really has anything to do with the fit of a bra. I mean, you need the band to be tight to give proper support. But then our squishiness is suddenly visible from behind, but that doestn mean the bra doesnt fit, kwim?
Someone posted a bra company that claims to eliminate back fat - the bras have like 5 hooks, so since it covers more of your back, it kinda acts like a girdle on your back! They were pricey though (of course) and I really dont remember the brand name. Maybe someone else will
Updated on October 18, 2014 Flag this
Yeah I know I'm just kind of squishy all over any ways, working on that :) I guess my issue is I never noticed any rolls or bulges back there before when I was wearing 38 band, but have been told that's way too big. So my new bras fit my breasts and support them better but are definitely causing me to form rolls on my back and underarms where I didn't have any before! The chantelle fits the best though. Thanks for your help! Also I'm thinking of trying braologie, they will custom make you bras and also focus on back smoothing.
Oh, trust me, I'm all kinds of squishy too. I just dont look behind myself in the mirror! But of course, I'm happily married too, so I dont really worry too much about making a good first impression. Except for interviews, but I'll be wearing a jacket then!
helpfulThis is SUCH a pretty bra, omg, I love it.
The angle of the back shot is making it hard for me to see how the band sits on you. Is it horizontal or riding up or down?
To make extra sure of the fit, you might want to push the wires up carefully to nestle them RIGHT in your inframammary (underboob) crease, then scoop n swoop one last time while holding the wire in place. If things are still good, it should work really well for you.
I am curious about your switch from 38 to 36 bands though. Were the 38s riding up on you? For comfort and best appearance you don't want to go as tight as you can bear--only as tight as is needed to prevent ride-up.
Updated on October 18, 2014 Flag this
When I went for a fitting they told me the 38 was way too big as they could pull it all the way back like a hand's length. I measured myself and it seems like I'm 36/37 so maybe the 36 with extender would be good. The back is horizontal on the chantelle bra, this one fits the best out of the three I bought. I love it too! It's so comfy especially after years of wearing too small victorias secrets it's like my boobs are finally free!
yeah, i'm not really a chantelle person but the halfcup version of this bra is totally on my list!
It's kinda like Kris Line lite! I'm going to try one on asap. You guys are a baaaaad influence :-D
wendybien :) I'd say they are a good influence. ! LOL
Thanks I will try that! I'm used to wearing the straps tight because of having such loose bands so still learning how to wear a bra, after wearing them for 20 years hahaha. Yesterday I ordered another chantelle (Merci) and Panache (envy) to try!