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Bra fitting help » Flipping Gore and Wrinkling

Freya » Ivy Balcony Bra (1332) » 28GG 28:10

Issue resolved

filled out over time and weight gain, flipping gore was the alteration :)

Original problem

This bra has a weird problem where the wires in the gore are sort of flipping over on top of each other, which can get uncomfortable and leave marks after a while. I did get this bra used and the gore has been slightly altered (there's a seam on the inside) to make it narrower, but before I resort to actually taking the alteration out I was just wondering if there might be another possible reason for this happening? Has anyone had this happen before on a non-altered bra?

There's also the wrinkling and gaping, which you can see pretty clearly. This is weird to me since this bra is both shallower and and narrower than my CK Princess, which also wrinkles at the top, but a whole lot less. I think it might be because the fabric of this cup goes a lot higher up on the breast, where I think I'm shallow on top. Even though it's a balcony it feels more like a full coverage.

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