Bra fitting help » Underwire too low, bra otherwise fits
Wacoal » Embrace Lace Underwire (65191) » 34DD 34:5
Issue resolved
Thanks ladies, I'll try those suggestions
Original problem
Hey Ladies! I'd love to have some help with an ongoing bra problem I have. No matter what bra I buy, the underwire sits 1-2 inches below the bottom of the root of my breasts. In the second picture, I've got the tip of my finger touching where the bra should be, you can see that I'm in there almost to my second knuckle. The bra above is the worst one I currently have for it, but even my best bras do it to some extent. It gets worse when I'm wearing a bra that's too small, but I can't size up any more or the cups will be too big. Tighter or looser bands don't seem to help. Fantasie bras do better than most. Is this an issue of underwire shape? My only guess is that I have unusually wide but flat breasts, like a sideways oval instead of a circle. If anyone else has this issue, what bras work best for you?
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Suggestions (4)
helpfulI marked this bra as "can't quit fill the bottom of the cup" because I don't know how else to classify this problem.
Updated on January 7, 2015 Flag this
helpfulI think its a shape issue, where the bra is not the same shape as your breast, so it gets pushed down so that your breast can fit in to it. And you are sure the band is tight enough? But I think fantasie are more projected, and thats probably why they fit better. I would almost think down a band and up a cup and look for very projected cups - idk, I tried on one Fantasie that was really deep - Lois. But ath cup depth is still an inch smaller than your smallest perimeter, too. Meaning I would expect the cup to be too small.
Updated on January 7, 2015 Flag this
helpfulI think you need a less elastic/stretrchy band and a firm, sturdy cup that will not be weighed down by your breast. I would suggest going for Melissa Dessous, their bands have only 2-3 cms of stretch, and they are firm like he-double hockey sticks. Also, the cups are (mostly) not demis or balconies, but plunges with a high-reaching cup, therefore letting the breast be hugged in both bottom and upper part of the cup. I tried on two styles, and as much as me boobs were highly disappointed, it looks like yours will be very happy in their cuts! Try this cute:
Updated on January 7, 2015 Flag this
Those look interesting. Their website doesn't say if they ship to the US or not. Do you know if they do?
Yup, they do. If they didn't why would they have an English version of the website :)
Also remember that in Melissa you will most probably have to go one band size up and one cup size down. I wear 70G in Polish brands, while in Melissa I have to get myself a 75F.
helpfulI had that problem when I was wearing a size with a too big band and too small cups. The underwire wasnt wide enough to scoop all of my breast tissue inside.
I went from a 30E in a long line Freya (my worst fit) with the bottom cups looking "hollow" to a 28ff 28g and having the underwire scoop all of my breast tissue in properly and not have that folded hollow/unfilled part. I might suggest going down to a 32 band and trying it in a cup size that is upped a cup or two.Updated on January 16, 2015 Flag this
I never even noticed that the cup depth was smaller than my perimeter (smacks forehead). I've tried a smaller band and larger cup before, but it was a little painful. But it may have just been the bra I was trying. My Fantasie bras do seem to do better, so maybe fiddling with the sizing on one of those should be my next step. Thanks!