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Bra fitting help » gore not tacking, up in size or try different style?

Ewa Michalak » S Kamea (600) » 65HH 30:12

Issue resolved

Gore too high and wide due to cups that are too large.

Original problem

This is my first Ewa Michalak bra and I'm relatively new to world of properly fitting bras for bigger busts. I'm just wondering if I'm being too picky about the gore not tacking, or if anyone has any advice about EM styles and sizing that might help moving forward.
My issue: The gore doesn't tack. I'm thinking that if I went up in cup size, the cups might be deeper and the gore might be closer to tacking. But the HH cups slightly gape at the top, so I'm worried going up in size would mean I would noticeably not fill the cup.

For reference, my best fitting bra is the Cleo Lily in 32G.


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