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Bra fitting help » Is this too small? Are the wires too narrow?

Cleo » Maddie Moulded T-shirt Bra (7201) » 28DD 28:5

Issue resolved

I think the problem is just too small of a size. I wasn't sure if it was size or shape issue. I am going to try going up to 28E and see how that goes. Hopefully going up a size will help with the wires too.

Original problem

I think that overall this bra fits decently, but it might be a bit small when I swoop and scoop. I'm not sure if it is because it is kind of small or not, but I'm quadboobing toward the center, though that probably isn't shown adequately in the pictures. When I s&s, my breast tissue gets pushed up under the gore and creates a mini butt cleavage. Also, I don't stay swooped and scooped all day. Not sure if that is an issue with the bra itself or a size issue. I'm afraid if I go up a cup that the top will gape. It's not gaping at all now, though. The wires sit on breast tissue by the end of the day. Just slightly, on the very outer edge. Is this normal?

So, does this bra fit? Also I think my shape is shallow and wide rooted. I'm new at this and really appreciate your help!

Snug 25.5, Tight 23.75, Standing 31.5, leaning 32.5, Laying 30.5

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