Bra fitting help » Gore fix??
Cleo » Maddie Moulded T-shirt Bra (7201) » 30E 30:6
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Here I am again, this is my 4th request help.
I can't believe it, I tried this bra in a 32D and the band was too big and the cups too small so I upped it to a 30E and the fit is sooo much better... but now I'm afraid that the gore is too wide.
Is there a way to fix a gore that is already as narrow as it can be??
The wire pokes my boob.
I want this bra to fit sooooo bad.
My armpit fat hangs more on my dominate arm and looks a little ugly and only a tad irritating.
What do you guys think?
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Suggestions (5)
helpfulYou may need a lower gore. Sometimes there's a smidgen of space at the end of the wire on the side near your armpit. Try scooching the wire back in the casing so the empty space is at the gore instead. Secure with a few stitches. As for the 'armpit fat' make sure it's not actually boob that needs to be scooped into the bra. My bet is it's just skin. My armpits do that too. I'd need a way too loose band, or wings upto my neck to smooth it all out. As long as it's not physically uncomfortable don't worry about it. Skin squishes, we as humans (and especially women) are naturally soft, and that's a good thing! No one likes cuddling rocks
Updated on February 21, 2015 Flag this
helpfulSew it so the wires are on top of each other.
Updated on February 21, 2015 Flag this
helpfulLaurizle Yes, the gore looks pretty wide (more than an inch, maybe) and too wide for you; and with the wires too tall under your arms, you might want to try one with a narrower gore and shorter wires.
YOU could narrow the gore and cut the wires shorter, but it might not be worth the time.
Updated on February 21, 2015 Flag this
Hey, Girl!! I WILL remember. I don't know where I came up with that.
My main concern last night was to keep you company. Electric Barbarella was on a rampage last night on another post and I didn't want to let her go off on you without some company.
it's cool, i was saying that in hopes someone would tell me bra models that have high wings :) and longlines don't count, lol.
helpfulOut of curiosity can you try an extender? Try hooking conventionally and also cross-hooking (tighter on bottom row and looser on top).
Updated on February 21, 2015 Flag this
eeek, i don't own any extenders... when i tried the 32 band on the tightest hook it rode up like a mo fo....
but i get what ur saying... hmmm
now i'm just curious if i should go up, ANOTHER, cup size, ack.
this would be so much easier if i could just go to a store... -
Normally a 30 with just 1 space from the extender is tighter than a 32 on the tightest hook. That's why I'm thinking it could be worth examining.
Or if you really want to know a heavy-duty paperclip could work (don't try to wear this all day hahaha). Just rig it so it buys you an extra 1/2 inch of length on the upper row of hooks. Does that make any sense? If it works you will know you can make this bra work with an extender.
helpfulFirst of all, by the numbers it looks like you could go up a bra size. But - can you try bending the wires outwards away from your chest and see if that helps?
Updated on February 21, 2015 Flag this
the higher the wires under my arms the happier i am, i can't get a bra that comes as high as i would like. i want to feel like i'm wearing a vest, lol :)