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Bra fitting help » Too big? Or just too wide?

Curvy Kate » Dreamcatcher Balcony Bra (CK2301) » 28F 28:7

Issue resolved

Wires are too wide and bra doesn't allow for projection

Original problem

I'm still trying to figure out what size I should be. This is the first unlined/unpadded bra I've ever worn so I'm not sure how it's supposed to fit. I'm definitely FoB with projection, but I'm not really sure what else. I've been wearing the wrong size for a long time, so I have a lot of migrated tissue on my sides that I'd love to put back where it belongs.

I'm not sure if this fits, is too big, or is just the wrong shape. The gore digs in and the cups wrinkle a bit. The cups definitely extend too far on the sides. Also this gives me the infamous upside-down 7 boob shape.

Any help, insights about my shape, or suggestions for other bras/brands would be lovely!

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