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Bra fitting help » Beyond the realm of commercially made bras?

Comexim » Whimsy Floral (CMWHIMSY) » 65M 30:13

Issue resolved

Thank you everyone for the suggestions of other bras with narrow wires to try. I will also email Breakout Bras and see if their Comexims have wider wires than other Comexims.

Original problem

Like all of the bras I own, this bra has too wide wires for me and sits below my IMF. I believe I've read that Comexim makes bras with very narrow wires, so my question is if this is about as good as a commercially-made bra will get on me. I'm also wondering if my breasts are omega-shaped. I wasn't under the impression that they were, but perhaps they are given how this bra fits me.

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