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Bra fitting help » Is this the right shape and cup size?

Freya » Expression High Apex (5494) » 32D 32:4

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Okay, so anyone who has seen some of my bra saga knows that I have had issues finding the right shape. I feel like this bra is just a bit big but know that if I go down a cup size to fit projection it will create the quad boob up higher. It also is much too big for my liking on my smaller side.

However, this is the unlined/padded bra that I feel like actually kinda fits my shape. Here is what I would most like help with but any comments are welcome.

1. I am convinced that depending on the brand I am a 32D, maybe a stretch to DD. I have tried over 30 bras at this point. My go to is a 34C basic maidenform bra because it is more comfortable than anything else (and cheap enough for me to justify keeping something that doesn't totally fit). So, all that said. Does the cup size seem to fit? I've worn bras too small my whole life so I'm not sure what a good fit actually is. Just looking at the cups. Too big or just right? (FYI I have pretty decent asymmetry)

2. Now that I have an unlined/padded bra that is close... any feedback on shape? I would say that I am a bit more on the shallow side and my breast tissue extends up quite high. The tissue is also rather broad though I feel like I am getting some tissue migration. Basically I am on the flatter side but my breasts cover a very wide area. Thoughts? Descriptive words? I feel like people have told me that I am all sorts of things which make sense at the time but now that you can sort of see a decently fitting bra I wanted to ask again.

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