This bra is a very good fit for me. My smaller boob has a little bit of wrinkling in the cup, but overall it's very good. I think I should be able to sew the cup a little bit to stop that. The bra is super soft and nice, the band is nice and snug, It feels very high quality... and I still find myself underwhelmed by this bra.
I think it's the color scheme because it makes me think of an elementary school teacher and their room. I am a very artistic and visual person, and it bites me in the butt sometimes. I reallly like this bra, technically. It doesn't poke in the gore even though it's high, the cups are a bit too wide, but that's really all I can come up with. It fits very well, and it feels good. I will probably only wear it occasionally because of the print though. UHG. I frustrate myself sometimes with my craziness.
Updated on Dec 07, 2014 Flag this
At first glance, my immediate thought was Wonder Woman!!! Granted, I can't really tell what the print is. It is very cute, though.