Bras » Comexim » Dakota Blue Half Cup
Comexim Dakota Blue Half Cup
AW2016 - Padded half cup bra with a three-piece cup. More...
Gore issue... To wide? To close? To tall? HELP!
4 suggestions
Fit check. Is this a bit small? The gore doesn't tack.
2 suggestions
Cups and band too small, possible cup collapse. Help with Comexim size and cut?
3 suggestions
Gore doesn't tack
2 suggestions
So many questions!
5 suggestions
Is the band so big that I should size down?
2 suggestions
FOT,Close-Set Any bra recommendations or advice? Cup too small or wrong shape?
4 suggestions
recommendations on band size and cups
2 suggestions
Fot,close-set, Not enough room at bottom of the cups,
2 suggestions
Is this bra too small?
3 suggestions
Wrong shape or wrong cup size? Gaping at top of cups but everything else fits
3 suggestions
Wire Pain. Shape mismatch??
2 suggestions
Gaping smaller side, slight quadding larger side, floating gore. Wrong size?
3 suggestions
Too shallow I think. Try sizing up? similar bras?
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Size recommendation
2 suggestions
Gapping at the top, wide wires.
3 suggestions