Bras » Comexim » Princess Plunge Bra (547)
Comexim Princess Plunge Bra (547)
AW2017 - Padded plunge bra. More...
Too projected or jut too big?
2 suggestions
Non tacking gore, buckling cup and tall cups
5 suggestions
Just Double Checking
3 suggestions
Need customization help
4 suggestions
Good fit or do I need to size up?
6 suggestions
Does this bra fit?
6 suggestions
Unsure what size to get for next order
3 suggestions
Would a cup size down fit better?
4 suggestions
Are the cups too big, style not right for my breasts, or is this right?
3 suggestions
Too tall and too big? Should I go down a cup?
3 suggestions
very confused boobs. slight quading. undetermined what I need.
3 suggestions
Is this cup too big or too tall?
1 suggestion