The perfect t-shirt bra! Like many here, I have relied on the Fantasie 4510 for years and it remains my all-time favorite workhorse of a bra. Pretty/cute it ain't, but my first "fitted" bra (34D 6 years ago) and still the only one that suits my shape. It disappears even under thin knits, stays comfy all day, washes & wears like iron without stretching out, provides a slightly-minimizing yet lifted, good-for-work coverage profile, has low cups in a balcony style so doesn't show under a bunch of necklines, relatively narrow wires but a high enough wing to pull & hold side tissue etc. etc. When I went to ... replace my old 34D after finding my ABTF size, I tried at least 8 other popular t-shirt bras and even tried different sizes. All of the Freya Decos, CK, Wacoal, a few Panache, Parisa Fe, Chantelle....every single one smushed me flat or squeezed me in/out and plus did some other horrid thing, like orange in a glass or quadding. The gore did not tack in a single one of them and it looked like half my torso was a uniform broad tall wide undefined bulge. Apparently (or so I was told by the lingerie salesperson) that is the 'American look', and yes you see it everywhere, don't you? For research purposes, I tried a number of sizes in the 4510, and my opinion is that the band is true to size with very little stretch but the cups run a tad off. Since the moulded shape is so firm, you can get away with going either way. The 32FF gapped a little in the center, the 30FF was tight in the band and skewed the wires a bit, the 32F has a bit of space at the bottom, the 34F had a little too much cup to the sides - but all were wearable under clothes and totally comfortable. Plus! In the 4510 I have two breasts that I can be proud of! Projected & close-set ladies, listen up! Try the 4510. It may be the beginning of a long and rewarding relationship! For reference: 32F/FF; narrow, close & high-set, even 2/5 shape, average root height, immediate projection.
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Updated on Jul 02, 2015 Flag this