I tried the 28G in this about a week ago and found it to be too small in the cup (among other things). For a variety of reasons, I ordered this in the 28H instead of the 28GG (though I'll now be trying that one out just to check).
The difference between the 28G and the 28H is pretty significant (recognizing that there is an entire size in between). The cups on this one were close, but also fit entirely differently. The wires extended too far and the gore (even though it is a plunge) was uncomfortable. Perhaps most surprising though, was that the 28 band feels much more like a 26 band, even on the loosest setting. At least I know I'm not a 26 now. https://d28qt14g3opchh.cloudfront.net/smileys/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" />
All around, a good bra, but not the right fit. It will be interesting to see how the 28GG fits.
Updated on Mar 21, 2014 Flag this