I had originally put off buying this bra because the pictures make it look very tall. As a petite woman, I look for cup height as well as all the other measurements. I finally decided I needed purple bras, and the feathers one is beautiful.
Upon arrival, this bra is very soft, no boning on the sides, molded cup with mesh overlay. The embroidered edge is a very soft lace, and feels lightweight and very forgiving of body parts. The cup height of the molded cup is 5.25", the highest cup I like to wear. I found that this bra is a smidge too shallow for me and I needed to tack the lace to the molded cup in more than one place to firm up the cup and keep my soft boobs from "puddling".
All in all, this bra fits and the minor alterations are not an inconvenience for me. It's going in the "fits" section and I'll be looking for more of these later.
Updated on Aug 17, 2014 Flag this