Parrot colourway. Comparison of Cleo Lily Aqua 30G, Magenta 30FF, Parrot 32FF. Ask me anything.
This one does not quite fit right, which was to be expected (I do well in the 30 band). Someone wrote that the straps on 32FF were closer together than 30G, so I thought I'd try it. I found them to be the same, maybe a little wider apart in the 32FF actually. (Possible colourway difference, IDK.) Straps in this and the 30G are a couple mm wider apiece than the 30FF, which is nice, more supportive. Cups are wider than 30G Aqua, despite the uber tight aqua band stretching the cups wider than ... they are supposed to be.
I am getting some orange-in-a-glass effect here, with wrinkling all along sides of cup; it's shallower than my 30FF or 30G. Also, I finally understand what people mean by in-cup quadboob since I have it in this (soft tissue bubbles up above the horizontal seam). Since I never had in-cup quadboob in 30FF or 30G, those with this issue might want to try sizing down in the band, if that's a possibility. I don't know the physics of that as far as which has more cup volume where, etc. Just speaking from experience.
The biggest difference I find between this and the 30G and 30FF is that the 32 band is giant on me. (It's probably not that much bigger, but even small changes in band size can make a huge difference in support for us large cup ladies.) I knew it was going to be larger, but not too-loose-on-the-tightest-hooks-straight-out-of-the-box larger. While the 30FF and 30G bands are a little uncomfortably tight on the loosest hooks after washing, this 32 band is too loose on the tightest set of hooks. I thought I could get away with it (was cheap on Amazon), but turns out I can't. Returning!
My final note is a style point. The bow on this parrot colourway (an earlier rendition, I believe) is cheap-looking. My magenta and aqua have cute, delicate satin bows that match the cup detailing. The bow on this one is larger, roughly hewn, is a random-feeling shade of light green that doesn't quite match the light green of the parrots, and just looks stuck on as an afterthought. See pics on Amazon:
I'd say they made the right choice with the switch in later styles: more sophisticated, more pretty-feeling. As for the parrot print, it's okay. Colors are cute for summer, and not overly-loud, but I wouldn't know they were parrots unless you told me. They don't have faces or anything. Most of them are on their sides, so they almost look dead? It's a little weird, and I'm a little disappointed TBH, since I've been lusting after this one for a while. I don't get this print or the swan print: not for me. I do think the swan print is great for punk girls, since it looks like a pirate flag. I think I'll just order another of the colors I have TBH.
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Updated on May 26, 2015 Flag this