The fabric of this bra feels really soft and comfy. It runs small: I tried this in 30DD first, but it was slightly too small. the cup size of the 30DDD fits better. The wires almost exactly enclose my breasts, except for the center part, which is slightly too wide. The upper part of the cups near the straps is too tall / wide at the sides and digs into my armpits. The bra might work better for longer torsos. Somehow this bra makes my breasts look exactly the same as they would look without a bra. My breasts are very wide and make my torso look broader then it actually is, which I don't like. I prefer bras with a more projected look. The 30DD felt better, but it gave me a slight quad boob. I would have liked this to work for me because it feels so soft, but I'll send it back.
Updated on Jun 24, 2017 Flag this