I went to the toilet and stayed a long long time
No, I'm not going to inform you about my bowel movement.
I have bras delivered at my office, which every so often makes me run like a crazy person to the only place in my firm where I can try them on because, naturally, I cannot wait until I get home.
So these are just first impressions of the three bras ... I got from alisa - Natasha Balconnet , Ariza Balconnet Bra and Meg Balconnet.
Even though I had my doubts, they are all *gorgeous* in person.
They are all also on the large side for me (not sure if it's whole cupsize worth, hopefully I can solve that with excessive scooping and strap tightening), you may expect fitting requests soon.
And surprise, surprise, as a big Cleo fan it hurts me to admit - out of the three, Ariza is my favorite.
Soon I will write a lengthy post where I will formally and publicly apologize to this purple beauty (violet mix) that I called a crappy bra without even trying it. I will also explain how a certain blogger lead me to discriminate bras based on their cut and rant about how using your own head in bra fitting is crucial.
Trust no one, bra truth is out there
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Filed under Bras ups and downs
Oh I'm so exited! :D Hurry hurry! :D
Ahhhhhhhh hurry up and publish it! I can't wait because I have an Ariza in the mail coming for meeeeee!
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