Cups are smaller than my other 30DD in Crimson (I was banking on it being smaller since it's darker and dark dye usually means smaller) but damn are the wings stretchy!! Even worse than my other! It's WAY too big right off the bat, you can see wrinkling cup fabric under my arms since the underwires didn't spring. Being big to being with, and having super duper stretchy wings (what is with the one layer of weak mesh??), and stiff wires, it takes a LOT to get the wires to spring.
Cups are great accept that the lace is looser than the lower cup portions, but then the top ... elastic is tight, so it creates an in-cup quad effect when first scoop and swooped, but then the top cup edge slides down within a couple seconds of movement, causing it to create a bubble.
I love the style even though the wires are a bit too wide even not being sprung, but I definitely knew sizing down in cup would be disastrous as I've already tried that, and by some fluke it was $14.89 on Amazon Prime (now it's $72???) so I took a chance. Ideally I'd want to try this in a 28E, but it's $54.95 which is a HUGE price difference. I need to just bunker down and sew some freaking black powermesh onto the wings, and it will all be good!! Also might remove the narrow elastic along the top of the lace. What's the point of stretch lace if you're going to have tight elastic along the top edge??
If they could create a slightly narrower-wired version of this bra, with actual powermesh as the wings, and didn't tighten the top edge of the cup, it would be the perfect bra for me. If anyone knows of one matching this description, let me know." alt=":)" />
Update after a full day of wearing: the wires are too wide, so my boobs settle into the armpits, and the cups end up puffy and empty in the upper part of the cup throughout the day." alt=":(" /> It's obvious under tight or thin or clingy shirts, and I continually feel the need to readjust. This bra might have to be a large project: add powermesh to wings, adjust armpit elastic, put in narrower wires, and maybe have to take out some center cup depth. We'll see.
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Black/Champaign colorway
Updated on Jul 19, 2018 Flag this
I have wrinkles at the strap/side of the cups as well. I think it's some kind of flaw because my 30Es are both tight (28.5" stretched) which is right around my snug ub measurement. As for the bit of ribbon on the lace, I completely agree and have toyed around with removing it. I think that it's there to make the stretch lace cups appear more closed in. Your assessment of the flaws is exactly the same as mine and yet I love the bran and plan to try a few sister sizes.